Published policies are available to view on the public access area of our google drive.

We are a Charitable Incorporated Organisation, registered charity number 1203835, with a Constitution and charitable Objects which state:

“The objects of the charity shall be to advance the education of the public, specifically children and young people who reside in North Tyneside and surrounding area, in the arts, specifically music and the performing arts, in such ways as the charity trustees think fit.”

Published policy documents include:


Note: if you wish to contact us about a Safeguarding concern, you may email our Safeguarding Officer in confidence at

Data Protection

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

Financial Guidelines

Grant Application Assessment Criteria

Partnership Agreement with North Tyneside Music Education Hub

Cookie Declaration

Policies currently under review (not yet ready for publication) include:

Privacy Policy

Grant Application Framework

Participation Selection Criteria

Volunteer Recruitment, Training and Management